Dan Werr has posted some very cool maps over on Baseball Primer. Check them out. My favorite map is the one which divides the US into areas based on which MLB ballpark is closest.
For those of you who enjoy puzzles, here’s one for you, based on that map:
My house is very close to the dividing line between two teams. That made me curious which ballpark I was actually closer to. So I pulled up some maps and a ruler and measured. As the crow flies, it looks like it’s about 5.2 miles to the nearest ballpark (7.7 miles by car). The second nearest ballpark is 5.6 miles away (but 13.5 miles by car).
So I live about 350 yards from the dividing line. Which ballpark do I live closest to?
Also, I can walk about 350 yards from my house and see one of the ballparks. Which one?