Our Diamond Notes Are Still Free
2005-07-10 8:10
The Random Diamond Note Generator has one sentence structure that goes: “RANDOMPLAYER will miss RANDOMNUMBER days after he accidentally swallowed a RANDOMFOOD whole.”
This has now actually happened in real life: Danny Putnam of the Stockton Ports will miss seven days after he accidentally swallowed a grape whole.
Let me also take this opportunity to point out that while some diamond notes now cost money to read, Humbug’s Diamond Notes are, have been, and shall remain, free.
1. Does a mouse count as food? I was on the diamond notes and that's what I saw (Ben Sheets and 3 days).
2. Sheets is quite cat-like, isn't he?
3. With all the excellent and superior free stuff in places like here and BTF and elsewhere, it amazes me that ESPN keeps putting its articles behind closed doors. They are just not that insightful to make it worth the price.