SoCal Ballpark Slideshows
by Ken Arneson
2005-07-25 13:17

I have some slideshows from my visits to Dodger Stadium and Angel Stadium (Requires JavaScript):

Comments: 8
1.   Vishal
2005-07-25 13:48

1.  i would imagine "think blue" is telling you what to think of, not how to think, making blue a noun, not an adverb.

lovely pictures. i am going to miss dodger stadium a lot after i move in a couple of weeks.

2.   Bob Timmermann
2005-07-25 13:56

2.  Indeed the blue seats are on their last legs and the blue section behind home plate may be converted into a press box and the suites may be extended further into the middle and a new stadium club put there.

However, the Dodgers don't sell all of their current suites, so I'm hoping McCourt & Co have thought this plan out.

And there are also plans to put a retail development on the outer edge of the parking lot, but that's much further in the offing.

3.   Ken Arneson
2005-07-25 14:01

3.  So when Apple tells us to Think Different, "different" is a noun? If that were the case, wouldn't Apple have said "Think Difference"?

My opinion is that "Think X", where X is an adjective, is a valid English grammatical structure. But I believe more in descriptive linguistics than prescriptive: if enough people use a grammatical structure, then at some point it becomes valid.

4.   Vishal
2005-07-25 18:01

4.  i'll preface this by saying that i'm no linguist. and i'm not exactly sure about the apple slogan. i think it could plausibly mean "think different[ly]". but in the dodger case i think "think blue" means "think dodgers", or something along the lines of "think about the dodgers". i'm pretty sure blue is just code for the dodgers, and not really an adjective in the true sense.

why can't Think X be Think Noun sometimes and Think Adverb sometimes and Think Adjective sometimes?

i don't know if i like descriptive linguistics. languages have to evolve, certainly, but we shouldn't simply adopt grammatically incorrect forms just because particular mistakes are so commonplace. i mean, "your kidding", right? :P

5.   photogirl
2005-07-25 21:28

5.  Awesome photos Ken!!! Those shots are with the Nikon right?

Kerry Haas

6.   Ken Arneson
2005-07-25 22:54

6.  Vishal: IMO, X can be just about any type of word. If I said, "Think Wow!" I'm sure you'd understand what I meant, even though the word "Wow" is an exclamation.

As for descriptive linguistics, that's why I said "at some point". Clearly, there's room for disagreement as to where that point is, but I think that one of the strengths of the English language is its willingness to accept change.

Kerry: Yes, these were with the Nikon.

7.   Bob Timmermann
2005-07-26 13:28

7.  Ken,
I almost always sit in the Blue seats at Dodger Stadium. And unless I'm going with someone who won't walk up the stairs, I always climb up to the top. Friends and I have dubbed that walk "Mount O'Malley" or "The Trail of Tears". The escalator is only on the third base side.

8.   Ken Arneson
2005-07-26 13:59

8.  We went up on the third base side because we had to leave tickets at the Will Call booth for some friends before we went in. I didn't actually enter from the right-field entrance where I took that picture of the entrance; I entered behind home plate at the top of the escalator. I took a picture there, too, but it didn't turn out very good.

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