Humbugardy: Tools of Ignorance for 200
2005-08-03 11:00
This is Humbugardy. I’m your host, Alex Scorebard.
Before his song-and-dancing days
He was batboy for the A’s
He was batboy for the A’s
Bravery | Haiku Trades | Same School | “Tools” of Ignorance | Literary Baseball | Ballpark Franks |
100 | Derek Smart | Jen | Baby Maddux | Humma Kavula | metfaninalaska |
200 | 200 | 200 | Cliff Corcoran | 200 | 200 |
300 | 300 | 300 | Next… | 300 | 300 |
400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 |
500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 |
Note: Using the web to search is cheating…you gotta know (or guess) off the top of your head.
1. Who is MC Hammer?
2. D'oh! I'm seconds too late.
3. Well, you made it in first this time, Cliff. What's your secret?
4. Since I work here, I happened to be hanging out when I noticed the sidebar turn over.
5. Correct, Cliff. You may choose the next question.
6. d'oh, this game is all about being on here at the right time.
7. Perhaps. Though I suspect the questions will get more difficult as we go up in points, creating more opportunity for late arrivers, provided that everyone's honest about not looking the answers up online or elsewhere.
Meanwhile . . .
I'll take Tools of Ignorance for 300, Alex.
8. Yeah, the questions get harder, but I suspect that even the harder ones will still be too easy for this crowd.
Perhaps I'll have to make the Double Humbugardy round much harder...
9. Score Bard,
Maybe you should update it at the same time every day, so people will know when to be here.
10. Either way, it'll be pure luck to get to the buzzer first.
I'm spreading it out randomly throughout the day, so that different readers with different reading habits have a chance.