Offseason Anagram Wrap: Mariners
by Score Bard
2006-02-21 20:56

Navy haze all in my brain.
Lately things don’t seem the same.
Losin’ strangely, don’t know why…

Hold on, hold on…we got some Degraded Audio around here. It sounds Oh, Oh-So-Sonic. The output is muffled. That electric guitar sounds like a Leg Chime. Enough of them Yucky Baritone Tunes. It Nixes Heroics. We need a change, a Mime Ear Joy. Somebody Cram Vocals Ajar! Let Chillness Ring!

Navy Haze all around.
Don’t know if I’m comin’ up or down.
Am I happy with this Altered Brain?
Irksome me, set this Ruin Ablaze.
Navy haze, it’s painful, baby
Something happening, a Clever Treat, maybe?

Ladies and Gentlemen: Jimi John Jake, A Zen Elf Hendrix.

Maybe Navy now can blow my mind.
‘Scuse Me, while I kiss these guys.

40-man roster:

Pitchers B/T Ht Wt DOB
36 A Barnyard Zoom R/R 6-2 200 07/11/84
59 A Zen Elf Hendrix R/R 6-3 170 04/08/86
48 Avery Stickball L/L 6-3 200 11/04/82
56 Brash Juror Dawn L/L 6-1 195 08/13/74
66 Cram Vocals Ajar R/R 6-4 175 08/19/84
18 Degraded Audio R/L 6-0 205 10/02/70
52 Here Go Grillers L/L 6-0 220 04/19/77
55 Leg Chime R/R 6-3 215 09/08/78
37 Locate Netting R/R 6-3 225 10/25/80
61 Loving Snobby Bit L/L 6-3 195 09/03/82
50 Mime Ear Joy L/L 6-0 180 11/18/62
68 Miniature Fool R/R 6-3 170 06/06/84
26 Nuzzles Goalie L/L 6-0 190 02/27/83
38 Oil Iron Jeep R/R 6-1 200 09/25/78
40 Omit A Joule R/R 6-0 220 08/02/77
33 Pets For Jeeps R/R 6-6 220 07/10/80
20 P.J. Jutz R/R 6-5 245 02/22/77
67 Rezone Erect R/R 6-4 180 12/09/82
63 Same Zinc Jeer L/L 5-11 180 11/12/84
49 Saw Do Joke L/L 6-1 190 09/03/81
39 Saloon Airfare R/R 6-1 220 12/19/79
53 Tot Rant Month L/L 6-6 230 09/15/76
Catchers B/T Ht Wt DOB
2 Jimi John Jake R/R 6-0 200 06/08/76
30 Rear Envier R/R 5-10 190 07/31/83
Infielders B/T Ht Wt DOB
29 Altered Brain R/R 5-11 220 04/07/79
4 Eel Zoo PJs R/R 6-2 200 11/24/83
12 Irksome Me R/R 6-4 220 03/22/82
44 Nixes Heroics R/R 6-8 235 12/29/74
17 Savor A Loanword S/R 6-0 155 10/02/84
16 Will Omits Oblique R/R 5-11 185 11/27/77
3 Yucky Baritone Tunes R/R 5-10 190 01/31/82
Outfielders B/T Ht Wt DOB
32 Chillness Ring L/L 5-10 205 12/03/81
Clever Treat S/R 6-0 215 06/03/71
7 Jeer Remedy L/L 6-0 195 06/15/81
54 Oh-Oh, So Sonic L/L 5-11 180 07/13/82
51 Oui, Ski Zurich L/R 5-9 170 10/22/73
28 Ruin Ablaze L/R 6-2 220 06/02/72
69 T.B. John R/R 6-5 205 01/17/80
62 Timid New Ballerina R/R 6-2 180 07/02/84
Want To Malt L/R 5-10 190 11/30/71
Comments: 5
1.   das411
2006-02-21 23:04

1.  heh, way to hide their new DH.

I think Ibanez's anagram is all too appropriate also...and the DT crew will love the one about the 3B who left the LAD for Seattle...

Fun stuff!

2.   sasquatch
2006-02-22 16:05

2.  Is there a harder name to make an anagram out of than J.J. Putz?

3.   Score Bard
2006-02-22 17:24

3.  No. I almost left it as J.J. Putz. It is thoroughly unanagramable.

4.   anagramnut
2006-02-25 20:13

4.  If you're going with a music them, why not TRY A BLACK ELVIS?

5.   RyMock
2006-03-01 22:19

5.  Chillness...the guys over at USSMariner are salivating right now.

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