And The Next A’s Manager Will Be Dick Williams
by Ken Arneson
2006-08-29 10:18

Don Nelson is back in Oakland???


I used to be a huge Golden State Warriors fan, but that team has been so bad for so long that every piece of hope I ever had for it has been completely squeezed dry. I’m completely numb to that team now. Or at least I thought I was, until they went and did something wacky like this. I guess there’s still a little light flickering inside me for that team, because I find this quite interesting, even if it’s only a rubbernecking-to-see-the-latest-car-wreck kind of interest.

Every time I think about the A’s losing nine straight ALDS clinching games, or about choking in September the last two seasons, or about anybody named Hatcher, I should just think of the Golden State Warriors, and be grateful. Because things could be sooooooooo much worse.

Comments: 10
1.   Bob Timmermann
2006-08-29 10:38

1.  And Jon's favorite Stanford basketball coach kicked to the curb!

Are there many Golden State Warriors fans? When the Lakers play in Oakland, it seems to be the exception of the Bay Area rule of "Let's fanatically hate the L.A. team." It sounds more like a Yankees game in Tampa Bay.

2.   Eric Enders
2006-08-29 10:50

2.  1 That was a predetestined disaster. That's gotta be one of the all-time worst career moves, because everybody knew it was going to blow up in Montgomery's face except, apparently, Montgomery.

I was a BIG Warriors fan back in the Run TMC days. Really I was just a Tim Hardaway fan, though, and so later switched allegiances to Miami.

Since Hardaway left the Heat, I have not watched a single NBA game in its entirety.

3.   Ken Arneson
2006-08-29 10:56

3.  1 I suspect most Warriors fans are like me, so beat down by years and years of unfathomably bad decisions that it would take years of psychotherapy to get over it. We need a 12-step program or something.

4.   Eric Enders
2006-08-29 11:06

4.  "or about anybody named Hatcher"

That was a great line. It hadn't even occurred to me until now that that happened twice in three years.

5.   Daniel Zappala
2006-08-29 11:19

5.  I feel really bad for Montgomery. I don't know why Bob keeps thinking Jon's the only Stanford graduate here. :-P

Was Montgomery really doing that bad of a job? Or are the owners thinking they ought to be winning more even when they don't have the players to do that?

6.   Bob Timmermann
2006-08-29 11:43

6.  Jon is the most noteworthy Stanford grad!

7.   Sam DC
2006-08-29 11:45

7.  What's wrong with Teri Hatcher?

8.   Ken Arneson
2006-08-29 11:54

8.  7 All Hatchers just have a way of breaking my heart.

I won't go into detail about Teri, but let's just leave it at the fact that her autobiography is entitled "Burnt Toast".

9.   Nagman
2006-08-29 12:40

9.  Obviously the Warriors did not like the Raiders stealing the headlines with the signing of Jeff George.

10.   Philip Michaels
2006-08-29 13:08

10.  My father is a dead-ringer for Don Nelson -- so much so that people used to stop him on the street back during the Run-TMC days.

So I'm not really pleased about this hiring. Dad turns 65 in a couple months -- that's not a good age to have random strangers cursing you because your doppleganger is unable to motivate Baron Davis.

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